0197OAKLAND – There’s plenty you already know about Adam Lambert. You probably know:
– He’s 27-years-old.
– He was born in Indianapolis, but moved to the San Diego area when he was one.
– He’s Jewish.
– He started an acting career at age 10.
– He’s gay.
– And he finished as the runnerup on Season 8 of American Idol.
But there are also plenty of things you probably don’t know about Adam:
– He has several NorCal connections.
– He has family in Petaluma.
– His mom lives in Burlingame.
– He has friends in St. Helena, Saratoga and Napa.
– Trying out for AI, his greatest fear was that his acting career would be his biggest hurdle.
“I went into it knowing I could do it,” Lambert said, “but they’re not gonna think I can. I knew that the theatre thing was going to be a stigma. They tend to be like, ‘Oh, you’re from Broadway, you can’t do that recording thing.'”
– So, first thing out of the box, the judges looked at him and what did they say?
“Of course, they looked at me and they said: ‘Oh, you’re from Wicked!’ I thought, ‘OK, they aren’t going to see past that.'”
– After his initial audition he had two of the four judges on his side. “Randy (Jackson) and Paula (Abdul) got it right away and they were really supportive,” he admitted. “Simon (Cowell) and Kara (DioGuardi) were on the fence but they eventually went with it.”
– His confidence level skyrocketed during Hollywood Week. Why?  “I was really able to prove myself then,” he said. “That was the first point where I saw the competition and I thought, ‘Oh, maybe I do have a shot at this.'”
– His goal in the competition? “Just to make the Top 10. That’s all I really wanted to be able to to,” he said.
– He had a gameplan throughout the show. “I thought I’d just go left at least 50 percent of the time and then I’d go right to gain back any people I had lost in the voting. I just decided to go back and forth with the performances.”
– He has a tatoo on his right wrist. What is it?  It’s the Eye of  Horus. According to Wikipedia, the common usage of the symbol is to do, make, or perform. The other frequently used hieroglyph is the Wedjat, a sacred eye symbol that gives a mummy the ability “to see again”, called the Eye of Horus.
– Changes he’d like to see in AI? “It was really a cool show and they were all super-supportive of me and the choices I made. Hopefully, next season they have even more colorful contestants. I think they should spice it up more. They did that to an extent this season. We had a really good group of performers.
“Of course, I am biased, but I think this is the best group they’ve ever had on the show.”
– And what does he think of the AI Tour? “The Tour is just great. When we get out on the stage it’s like WHOOOOAAA! It feels great.”

Thursday: How it all started on AI for Adam

Friday: Adam’s Mad World

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