No need to ask David Cook who received the loudest applause at the Aug. 7, 2009 American Idol Tour stop in Atlantic City. He heard the ovation for this year’s runnerup Adam Lambert compared to that given to winner Kris Allen.

“Yes, but last year I always felt like Archie (season 7 runnerup David Archuleta) got more response on the Idol Tour than I did,” Cook told IdolChatter in a phone interview last week.

“I did get to watch the show (on TV) this season. I thought there was a great amount of talent on it. And on the American Idol Tour I thought everyone was representing the show very well. I feel like this Tour is a good one.”

It wasn’t on the Tour, but on an Aug. 7, 2009 segment of Good Morning America that Cook got to perform in NYC’s Central Park with Lambert and Allen.

“It was a blast and kudos to both of them,” Cook said. “We’re all going about a million miles an hour right now and they really stepped up that day and sang the song (“Sweet Little Lies”) that the band and I have been doing for for awhile.

“In a big-brotherly sort of way I was proud of both of them … although I think Adam is actually older than I am,” Cook added laughing.

“I think they both are gonna be fine, I really do. Kris seems to have a confidence of self which can only help.

“Both Adam and Kris will do fine with a record from here on out.”

So, did Cook offer them any advice?

“No, not really and I don’t know that I would have any advice to give them other than just appreciate and enjoy what comes in front of you.”

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