Holy Hulk Hogan! What in the name of Marc Anthony is going on here?

I must admit to being a sorta, kinda  newbie to Idol having watched for only the past 3-plus seasons, but this was the most unusual show I have seen to date. It started off with Anthony spewing out expletives deleted, plodded along with Stevie Wonder singing happy birthday to Steven Tyer and ended with Casey Abrams about to have a stroke on the stage.

Just to fill you in. Casey, Thia and Stefano were the Bottom 3. That was shocking enough, although Naima and Haley being safe was a close second. Then Thia was told she was safe and sent back to the couches and finally Stefano was deemed worthy to Tour and Casey was left standing there alone with nothing between he and Ryan Seacrest but the end of his Idol road.

Casey started to sing for his life and then  the judges put a preemptive stop to the effort, told him basically that they knew how good he was and they were saving him. That led to his (bleeping) thanks to everyone, a journey into the audience to thank mom and dad and a finale that allowed Ryan time to reveal that we would have a Top 11 on tour this coming summer sted of 10.

So, just where is Michael Sarver when we need him?

You would almost say the whole thing was phoney, but could it have been? Would they really set up the voting to grab attention to the show? We don’t know and we never will cause Idol deems the votes hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar out on the porch (thank you Johnny Carson) and never reveals the total before, during or after the season.

And even so, does it really matter? Well, yes, but then since we have no access to the ballots, just let it go and figure there is no hanging chad and Casey was last and the save was for real and the emotiion legit.

Now we can move on to next week when two will go, we get a bonus performer on the Summer Tour and everyone is happy. And you know and I know Casey won’t be going home next week.

By the way, Mr Hogan did show up somewhere in the middle of the show to surprise rasslin fans Paul and James and James was more overcome with raw emotion at that entrance by the Hulkster than Casey was at being saved. Like I said earlier, a very unusual show … maybe the most ever.

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